

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Resume' for a work at home mom

I had to update my resume'.  Well....more like attempt to create a resume'.  The last time I actually submitted one was about 15 years ago.  As a "work at home mom", I have been blessed with staying out of the professional workplace for a very long time.  Now that Sam is in first grade and in school all day, I would like to get a job. Actually make some $$.  Sounds easy enough.  Right?  Wrong!

I honestly feel that my experiences over the last decade + has prepared me for anything.  I can do sooo much.  But when I try to put that on a piece of paper, it does not look so good.

It looks pitiful.

I just need a potential employer to look BEYOND that empty employment history and actually TALK to ME!  I have tons to offer. You just need to know me.

So I pray.  I put it in the Master's hands and ask for guidance on this employment journey.  I may look like nothing on paper, but I have soooo much to offer.  Someone will see that.